River/Navigation Videos
and Extended Cursing
There are many texts on Offshore navigation such as the free, online The American Practical Navigator (2000-pages) but none on practical river navigation until now, see left. River navigation may be simpler but it is different and requires some study. This website will serve as an index to our free YouTube videos and the book, that is in its final draft (100 pages). The videos are designed for the weekend cruiser to the serious cruiser and the book is designed for the serious cruiser. The book contains detailed sections on: Terminology, Vessel Handling, Charts Paper, Charts Electronic, Facilities, Time-Speed-Distance, Chart Plotters, Passenger Vessels, River Rules, Locks/Locking, VHF Radio, AIS, Radar, Situational Awareness, Safety/Security, Weather, Route Planning and chartplotter software. Our educational videos will cover simpler versions of most of these subjects and others.
The videos will cover additional material, especially for the recreational cruiser based on over 50 years of river and coastal cruising in the Southeastern United States and the Gulf of Mexico. We will follow the theme made popular by Lin & Larry Perdy Unfortunately Larry passed away in 2020 from COVID-19. “Go Small, Go Simple, Go Now.” If you wait until you have the perfect boat you will never leave the dock. Other good sources of cursing videos you might like are Sailing BRITICAN, Project ATTICUS and SV DELOS .
Introduction to our “River Navigation” YouTube channel sailingTOUCAN:
Introduction = https://youtube.be/UQrTS-JELKI
YouTube Video Series/Channel on Marine Education:
1 Boat Selection = https://youtu.be/LupqXIfNClg
2 Boating Education = https://youtu.be/rCXM0Dwmkqc
3 Boat Ready? = https://youtu.be/2TFPDx1XfwY
4 OpenCPN/Plotters = https://youtu.be/skVU97RvMzU
5 Radar = t https://youtu.be/zLxBiFoVtso
6 Charts and ATONS = https://youtu.be/YXSIYw0eCV8
7 Inland Commercial Vessels = https://youtu.be/a5vOfmCmKNE
8 Rules of the Road = https://youtu.be/xzw3xbCiSuA
9 Coast Guard and Safety = https://youtu.be/SYvNqL2-hF0
10 GPS only navigation-NO = https://youtu.be/QrnLmKUm9AI
11 Miss River System = https://youtu.be/eaQ8HvUb-Tw
12 Boat Electrical & Electronic = https://youtu.be/4g78a4lLUX8
13 Route Planning = https://youtu.be/_j0cqMcaHu0
14 Tennessee River = https://youtu.be/Trsmv6voxr8
15 Provisioning = https://youtu.be/xOiF8cGsM3M
16 Electronics Training = https://youtu.be/ouqO9e9Hq3k
17 Tenn-Tom Waterway = https://youtu.be/RhZ_vyvGtmw
18 TN River Destinations = https://youtu.be/YTcFDXuY4E0
19 Sailboat Sizes = https://youtu.be/wFjdl7HTv-g
20 Battery Charging = https://youtu.be/s-wo7OLDRhc
21 Coastal Cruise Planning = https://youtu.be/rqaFwpRgtKI
22 Marine Communications = https://youtu.be/4QAEWlRsf0o
23 Intro to Power Boating = https://youtu.be/KZosC71MvwU
24 Cruising sailboat equipment tips = https://youtu.be/sS4bUJiQutw
25 Sailboat Cruising Course Teaser = https://youtu.be/o3zBGMk0ncA
26 Electrical Troubleshooting = https://youtu.be/i5tXEj_KmFw
27 Intro to Marine GPS Navigation = https://youtu.be/t1GSPF9MlfY
28 Icebox use = https://youtu.be/29GRLE8yG8o
29 Locking Training Exercise = https://youtu.be/CUf_CGvpGW8
30 Modern Navigation App Use = https://youtu.be/f_ah9iXFl_k
31 Best Navigation Apps = https://youtu.be/xwD9EFkErgo
32 Modern, Electronic, Coastal ,Route Planning = https://youtu.be/HqQKY_YGw3E
33 AC Dangers for Boats and Swimmers = https://youtu.be/C1nGSIYEKxU
34 NOAA Custom Charts Introduction
35 Observational Marine weather = under development
36 Onboard Color Matching = under development
37 Captains License Prep = under development
38 River Navigation – Clothing/Toiletries (planned)
39 River Navigation – Offshore Money/Mail (planned)
40 “River Navigation Paper to Plotter” – Book Introduction (planned)
YouTube Video Series/Channel on Sailing & Cruising +:
A) Our home port, Concord Yacht Club = https://youtu.be/4wnXXyHrNzk
B) What it’s like to be a riverboat captain = https://youtu.be/XKcYsIrHTrM
C) Small boat adventures = https://youtu.be/Pl2dAYGEof4
D) British Virgin Islands Charter = https://youtu.be/CdLQ1NEVoJY
E) Casper ther friendloyb ghost = Casper (youtube.com)
F) Hauntyed history cruise – Haunted History Knoxville 2010 – YouTube
G) Our haunted history greaterv at an angle = GreeterVideo (youtube.com)
H) CALMAGORE submarine = Clamagore (youtube.com)
Corps of Engineers Videos:
How to LOCKING THGROUGH = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdbuzJiehm8
Route Planning Template
To request a copy of our River Route Planning Template send email to captfarmer@gmail.com with a subject of Route Planning Template.